Q3 2022 Industry Data & Analysis

GPCA’s Q3 2022 Industry Data & Analysis is available exclusively for Members. Log in to download the complete report.

Key insights: 

  • Private capital investment value in GPCA’s markets declined in Q3 2022 following record-high deal activity from 2021 through the first half of 2022.
  • Infrastructure, particularly digital and renewable energy, has been a bright spot amid the broader market corrections of 2022, attracting USD31b through Q3 and exceeding all prior annual totals.

  • Electric vehicles and automotive tech have been an exception to the general slowdown across the tech space.
  • Fund managers raised USD74b for vehicles targeting GPC markets in the first three quarters of 2022, led by Asia-focused funds raised by established managers.

Members can also access the Data Room platform to view and download GPCA’s complete fund- and deal-level dataset, now updated through September 30, 2022.