Agenda | Fundraising Masterclass in London


*Check back soon for updates! Learn more about EMPEA’s Fundraising Masterclass »


Thursday, 17 October 2013

EBRD Hosted DFI-Only Breakfast & Session
Masterclass Registration & DFI Meet and Greet
Fundraising Masterclass Opening Remarks

  • Robert van Zwieten, President & Chief Executive Officer, Emerging Markets Private Equity Association (EMPEA)
Fundraising Masterclass Module 1: DFI Seminar – Back to Basics and Securing DFI Commitments

  • What key elements should a fund manager prepare in advance of a first DFI meeting?
  • What missteps can most hurt a manager vying for DFI commitments?
  • Fund structuring hot buttons: what do DFI’s look for to ensure alignment of interests?
  • Innovative approaches to DFI financing (i.e. pledge funds, co-investments, credit)
  • What are the real world challenges that arise both pre- and post-investment?

Faculty Firms & Presenters:

  • CDC Group plc: Mark Kenderdine-Davies, General Counsel and Company Secretary
  • DEG: Gunnar Stork, Director, Equity & Mezzanine – Africa & Latin America
  • European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD): Anne Fossemalle, Director, Equity Funds
  • European Investment Bank (EIB): Jesper Persson, Head of Unit, Private Equity
  • FMO – Netherlands Development Finance Company: Erik Bosman, Director Private Equity
  • International Finance Corporation (IFC): David Wilton, Chief Investment Officer, Manager Global Private Equity Funds
  • Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC): Barbara Day, General Counsel, Investment Funds


  • Emerging Markets Private Equity Association (EMPEA):  Jennifer Choi, Vice President, Industry & External Affairs
Networking Lunch (Open to GP & DFI delegates. DFI delegates depart after lunch)
(GP Only) Fundraising Masterclass Module 2: Best Practices in the Current Fundraising Climate

  • What role do placement agents play and what are the pros AND cons of working with placement agents?
  • What do placement agents do and not do, and what are the limitations in light of recent regulation?
  • What various strategies do placement agents recommend?

Faculty Firm & Presenters:

  • MVision Private Equity Advisers: Ophir Shmuel, Director
  • MVision Private Equity Advisers: Michaela Sved, Director
Networking Break
(GP Only) Fundraising Masterclass Module 5: War Stories – Lessons from the Field

  • Based on recent fundraising experience, what is the general state of the market?
  • How do managers structure their fundraising efforts from an organizational perspective?
  • What logistics and real costs go into the fundraising process? What are some strategies for making time on the road more cost-effective?
  • How can a manager make the most out of the in-person pitch?
  • What can managers do to put their best foot forward in the diligence process?

Faculty Firms & Presenters

  • Baring Vostok Capital Partners: David Bernstein, Partner, Head of Investor Relations
  • Warburg Pincus: Martin Dunnett, Managing Director


  • Emerging Markets Private Equity Association: Michael Casey, Director
(GP Only) Fundraising Masterclass Module 4: Legal Strategies: Protecting GP Interests AND Maintaining Competitive and Marketable Positioning to LPs

  • What are the key elements and stages of the documentation process and how does this process work?
  • What are the latest trends in private equity terms and conditions?
  • What are industry standard terms & conditions, and what areas should GPs focus on to craft ideal term sheets?
  • How should GPs show alignment of interests while still shaping profitable agreements?
  • Partnership negotiation strategies: when to be flexible and when to hold firm

Faculty Firm & Presenters:

  • Debevoise & Plimpton LLP: Marwan Al-Turki, Partner
  • Debevoise & Plimpton LLP: John F. Anderson, International Counsel
  • Debevoise & Plimpton LLP: Geoffrey Kittredge, Partner
Fundraising Masterclass Module 6: The Perfect Pitch

During this interactive session, GP attendees will have the opportunity to present their two minute “elevator pitch” to our panel of judges. *Advanced signup is required.

Judges Panel:

  • CDC Group plc: Mark Kenderdine-Davies, General Counsel and Company Secretary
  • Debevoise & Plimpton LLP: Geoffrey Kittredge, Partner
  • FMO – Netherlands Development Finance Company: Erik Bosman, Director Private Equity
  • International Finance Corporation (IFC): David Wilton, Chief Investment Officer, Manager Global Private Equity Funds
  • MVision Private Equity Advisers: Michaela Sved, Director
18:00 Closing Remarks

  • Robert van Zwieten, President & Chief Executive Officer, Emerging Markets Private Equity Association (EMPEA)