I&P Sinergi Burkina Fund Provides Seed Funding to Five Companies in Burkina Faso

Sinergi Burkina, an SME-focused impact investment fund sponsored by Investisseurs & Partenaires, has provided seed funding to five companies in Burkina Faso, namely: Maïa, an anti-malaria ointment developer; Bioprotect, an organic inputs producer and marketer; Prince Dessuti International, a textile company; Monsalon, a carpentry and interior decoration company;… Read More

Africa Data Insight (Mid-Year 2020)

EMPEA Members can log in to receive exclusive access to the full detailed report (PDF) and underlying data (Excel). Transaction volume remained consistent in 1H 2020 despite the onset of COVID-19-related lockdowns Despite rolling lockdowns in response to the COVID-19 pandemic,… Read More

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