5 Takeaways from EMPEA’s Annual Report

Private equity investors’ response to whipsawing global public markets is more often than not “keep calm and carry on.” That seems to be the case in emerging markets, according to the latest annual data published by the Emerging Markets Private Equity Association. Although it may be somewhat immune from… Read More

Reflecting on 2013 and the Outlook for EM PE in 2014

The Global Firms’ Views Koenraad Foulin, Co-Founder and Senior Managing Partner, Capital International Private Equity Funds For Capital Group, 2013 was a year to invest beyond the BRICs. Our 2011 fund, CIPEF VI, completed four new investments—three of which were in emerging markets outside the BRIC countries. We made our… Read More

An Interview with Thomas Franco of Clayton, Dubilier & Rice

Thomas C. Franco, Partner with Clayton, Dubilier & Rice (CD&R), shares his thoughts on the current state of thinking about private equity amongst limited partners (LPs), as well as the mechanics of driving operational value creation in portfolio companies. Founded in 1978, private equity investment firm CD&R has built a… Read More

Ignore the Noise: Emerging Markets Remain Attractive

Following the Federal Reserve’s suggestion that it might taper asset purchases this past May, emerging markets experienced a bout of volatility across all asset classes. As the OECD pronounced that global economic growth was shifting away from emerging markets and toward developed markets, newspapers became filled with commentary questioning the… Read More

Private Equity Talent Management in Emerging Markets Survey

  EMPEA’s Private Equity Talent Management in Emerging Markets Survey aims to provide our members and the broader industry with a greater understanding of the current state of hiring for employment at private equity firms; the challenges that GPs face in staffing their emerging market teams; and, how practitioners anticipate… Read More

The Changing Landscape of Private Equity Fund Formation (2013)

The pillars of the conventional fund model in emerging markets remain largely unchanged, however the wave of regulation globally and continuing evolution in LP-GP dynamics are yielding some important shifts in fund terms and structures with implications for governance and operations at the fund level. On 25 June 2013, EMPEA… Read More

2013 Global Limited Partners Survey

The findings of this Survey are based on data collected from 112 LPs from over 30 countries. Representing public and corporate pension funds, insurance companies, sovereign wealth funds, banks, asset managers, endowments, foundations, family offices, development finance institutions, multilateral organizations and funds of funds, these institutional investors collectively represent disclosed… Read More

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