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Inside Perspectives: An Interview with Rebecca Xu of Asia Alternatives

19 December 2012
Rebecca Xu, Co-Founder and Managing Director of Asia Alternatives Management, shares her views on the changing private equity landscape in Asia following the global financial crisis and discusses key trends… Read More

Legal & Regulatory Bulletin – Issue No. 7, Autumn 2012

21 November 2012
letter from the chairman This issue of the Legal and Regulatory Bulletin follows on a full week of very well attended and highly engaging EMPEA summits in London in late… Read More

Marketing Private Funds in the Middle East

20 November 2012
In the past, managers promoting private funds in most countries in the Middle East—with the notable exception of Saudi Arabia—have not found much difficulty navigating local rules. Foreign fund managers… Read More

Africa: Maximizing Investment Opportunities While Minimizing Risk

20 November 2012
African markets, boasting 10 of the top 20 fastest growing economies in the world and five of the world’s top 10 reformers in 2012 according to the World Bank’s Doing… Read More

Managing Political Risk in Emerging Markets

20 November 2012
This article seeks to build a deeper understanding of political risks likely to be encountered by private equity investors in emerging markets by examining a number of key risks, suggesting… Read More

EMPEA Brief: European Bank Deleveraging: Opportunities and Challenges for EM PE Investors

30 October 2012
Download the full brief here. European bank deleveraging is a key macro variable affecting the emerging markets private equity asset class. European banks face daunting challenges both in meeting enhanced… Read More

EM PE Review – Volume VIII, Issue 3

19 October 2012
IN THIS ISSUE Articles European Bank Deleveraging: Opportunities and Challenges for EM PE Investors Guest Commentary: Investment Strategies for Russia: XENON Capital Partners’ Experience Inside Perspectives: An Interview with Piero… Read More

Inside Perspectives: An Interview with Piero Minardi of Gávea Investimentos

19 October 2012
Piero Minardi, a Partner in the Illiquid Strategies Group at Gávea Investimentos and the newest member of EMPEA’s Board of Directors, shares his perspectives on the private equity landscape in Brazil.… Read More

Guest Commentary: Investment Strategies for Russia: XENON Capital Partners’ Experience

19 October 2012
XENON Capital Partners, founded by Natasha Tsukanova in 2009, is a Moscow-based investment advisory and investment management firm. In this article, Stanislav Song, Chief Strategist of XENON Capital Partners, describes how… Read More

Guest Commentary: Investment Strategies for Russia: XENON Capital Partners’ Experience

19 October 2012
XENON Capital Partners, founded by Natasha Tsukanova in 2009, is a Moscow-based investment advisory and investment management firm. In this article, Stanislav Song, Chief Strategist of XENON Capital Partners, describes how… Read More

European Bank Deleveraging: Opportunities and Challenges for EM PE Investors

19 October 2012
This EMPEA Brief explores the impact of European bank deleveraging on the emerging markets, with a view toward identifying the opportunities and challenges the process presents to private equity investors.… Read More

Legal & Regulatory Bulletin – Issue No. 6, Summer 2012

5 August 2012
We were delighted with the warm reception the EMPEA Legal and Regulatory Guidelines received on their recent release. The EMPEA Guidelines are a pioneering reference for policymakers and regulators wishing… Read More

The European AIFMD: What are the Main Issues for EMPEA Members?

5 August 2012
This is a revised version of a summary first published in the EMPEA Legal & Regulatory Bulletin in August 2011. We gratefully acknowledge updates to this document provided by SJ Berwin… Read More

Anti-Corruption: Guidance for EM PE Practitioners

5 August 2012
On 29 March, EMPEA hosted a professional development webcast on Anti-Corruption Policies: What Every EM PE Practitioner Should Know, with perspectives from Sam Eastwood of Norton Rose, Laura Friedrich of Shearman… Read More

Alternative Investment Funds Regulation in India: A Changed Regulatory Landscape

5 August 2012
The notification of the SEBI (Alternative Investment Funds) Regulations, 2012 (“AIF Regulations”) on May 21, 2012, marked a watershed moment for the Indian private capital industry. A story that began… Read More