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EMPEA Brief: European Bank Deleveraging: Opportunities and Challenges for EM PE Investors

30 October 2012
Download the full brief here. European bank deleveraging is a key macro variable affecting the emerging markets private equity asset class. European banks face daunting challenges both in meeting enhanced… Read More

EM PE Review – Volume VIII, Issue 3

19 October 2012
IN THIS ISSUE Articles European Bank Deleveraging: Opportunities and Challenges for EM PE Investors Guest Commentary: Investment Strategies for Russia: XENON Capital Partners’ Experience Inside Perspectives: An Interview with Piero… Read More

Inside Perspectives: An Interview with Piero Minardi of Gávea Investimentos

19 October 2012
Piero Minardi, a Partner in the Illiquid Strategies Group at Gávea Investimentos and the newest member of EMPEA’s Board of Directors, shares his perspectives on the private equity landscape in Brazil.… Read More

Guest Commentary: Investment Strategies for Russia: XENON Capital Partners’ Experience

19 October 2012
XENON Capital Partners, founded by Natasha Tsukanova in 2009, is a Moscow-based investment advisory and investment management firm. In this article, Stanislav Song, Chief Strategist of XENON Capital Partners, describes how… Read More

Guest Commentary: Investment Strategies for Russia: XENON Capital Partners’ Experience

19 October 2012
XENON Capital Partners, founded by Natasha Tsukanova in 2009, is a Moscow-based investment advisory and investment management firm. In this article, Stanislav Song, Chief Strategist of XENON Capital Partners, describes how… Read More

European Bank Deleveraging: Opportunities and Challenges for EM PE Investors

19 October 2012
This EMPEA Brief explores the impact of European bank deleveraging on the emerging markets, with a view toward identifying the opportunities and challenges the process presents to private equity investors.… Read More

EM PE Review – Volume VIII, Issue 2

23 July 2012
In this issue Articles Anti-Corruption: Guidance for EM PE Practitioners Fundraising Do’s and Don’ts: Lessons from EMPEA’s Inaugural Fundraising Masterclass Highlights from the 14th Annual Global Private Equity Conference Guest… Read More

Anti-Corruption: Guidance for EM PE Practitioners

23 July 2012
On 29 March 2012, EMPEA hosted a professional development webcast on Anti-Corruption Policies: What Every EM PE Practitioner Should Know, featuring perspectives from Norton Rose, Shearman & Sterling, SJ Berwin… Read More

Fundraising Do’s and Don’ts: Lessons from EMPEA’s Inaugural Fundraising Masterclass

23 July 2012
In response to the growing bifurcation in the fundraising market between larger and smaller funds, EMPEA hosted its inaugural EM PE Fundraising Masterclass on 17 May, to provide GPs with… Read More

Highlights from the 14th Annual Global Private Equity Conference

23 July 2012
Despite the shadows cast by Europe’s economic troubles and concerns of slowing economic growth in many emerging markets, most of the 875 participants attending the 14th Annual Global Private Equity… Read More

Guest Commentary: Emerging Market Secondaries Come of Age: An Analysis by Pomona Capital

23 July 2012
John Stephens, Managing Director of Pomona Capital, argues that as primary fund commitments in the emerging markets have grown, so have deal flow and the opportunity set within the secondaries… Read More

Inside Perspectives: An Interview with African Capital Alliance’s Okechukwu Enelamah

23 July 2012
Okechukwu (“Okey”) Enelamah, a Founder and Chief Executive Officer of African Capital Alliance (ACA), spoke with Nadiya Satyamurthy of EMPEA’s Research Department during the 14th Annual Global Private Equity Conference… Read More

Asia Pacific Private Equity 2011 Fund Terms Survey

17 May 2012
Drawing on input collected from over 100 Asian private equity funds that were actively fundraising during 2011, the Asia Pacific Private Equity 2011 Fund Terms Survey, conducted by Squadron Capital… Read More

Dynamic Growth: Value Creation in Latin America

16 May 2012
Private equity (PE) investors have come out of the recession with a renewed focus on organic revenue growth, applying a more entrepreneurial mindset to working with their portfolio companies. Spanning six years… Read More

EM PE Review – Volume VIII, Issue 1

31 March 2012
Industry Data EMPEA Industry Statistics EM PE Performance Notable Exits & IPOs Viewpoint from EMPEA president and CEO Sarah Alexander Fundraising for emerging markets private equity grew by 64% last… Read More