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EM PE Quarterly Review – Volume VI, Issue 3

18 October 2010
in this issue Articles Beyond Standards: Integrating Responsible Investment into Your Portfolio The Opportunity and Challenge of Private Equity in Vietnam: Mekong Capital’s Experience Inside Perspectives: An Interview with the IFC Asset Management Company (IFC AMC) Team… Read More

Inside Perspectives: An Interview with the IFC Asset Management Company (IFC AMC) Team

17 October 2010
EMPEA’s Research Team sat down with several key members of the IFC Asset Management Company (IFC AMC) to discuss the genesis of this new group and how it fits within… Read More

The Opportunity and Challenge of Private Equity in Vietnam: Mekong Capital’s Experience

17 October 2010
Chris Freund, Founder and Managing Partner of Mekong Capital, shares Mekong Capital’s experience, having made 27 investments in Vietnamese companies since Mekong Capital’s establishment in 2001. Mekong Capital undertook a… Read More

EMPEA Insight: India (Aug. 2010)

1 August 2010
Boasting one of the most dynamic private equity industries among the emerging markets, India draws an ever-growing number of investors willing to brave the country’s regulatory and infrastructure hurdles in… Read More

EM PE Quarterly Review – Volume VI, Issue 2

8 July 2010
In this issue Articles What Really Lies Ahead for Emerging Markets Private Equity News and Data New Member Spotlight Funds Launched & Closed EM PE Performance Notable EM PE Exits… Read More

What Really Lies Ahead for Emerging Markets Private Equity

8 July 2010
To the observer, the buzzing energy and press of bodies filling the halls of the Washington Ritz-Carlton in the second week of May might have been testament to one attendee’s… Read More

LPs Plan to Accelerate New Commitments to Emerging Markets Private Equity—Are They Serious?

8 July 2010
According to the latest EMPEA/Coller Capital Emerging Markets Private Equity Survey, institutional investors increasingly believe that emerging markets are attractive for private equity investment, both on a standalone basis and… Read More

EMPEA Insight: Brazil (May 2010)

1 May 2010
Brazil’s economic performance over the last two years has inspired tremendous optimism among investors circling Latin America’s largest economy for opportunities. The International Monetary Fund projects that Brazil’s economy will… Read More

EMPEA Insight: Cleantech (April 2010)

1 April 2010
Approximately 25 private equity funds dedicated to cleantech investing in emerging markets have been launched since January 2009, although EMPEA estimates that emerging markets drew less than 15% of total… Read More

EM PE Quarterly Review – Volume VI, Issue 1

1 April 2010
In this Issue Articles The ILPA Principles: How Will They Shape LP-GP Relationships in Emerging Markets? 2009 Emerging Markets Private Equity Fundraising and Investment News and Data Funds Launched &… Read More

The AIFM Directive’s Negative Impact on Developing Countries—EMPEA’s Letter to the EU

1 April 2010
On behalf of the Emerging Markets Private Equity Association (EMPEA), I am writing to express our concerns regarding the Alternative Investment Fund Managers (AIFM) Directive and to highlight its potential… Read More

IFC’s Experience in Emerging Markets Private Equity

1 April 2010
David Wilton, Chief Investment Officer of the International Finance Corporation’s (IFC) Investment and Private Equity Funds Department, shares the following myth-busting analysis of the true return potential of emerging markets… Read More

The ILPA Principles: How Will They Shape LP-GP Relationships in Emerging Markets?

1 April 2010
The ILPA Principles were released in September 2009 as a set of voluntary guidelines intended to establish best practices related to the alignment of interests between Limited Partners (LP) and… Read More

2009 Emerging Markets Private Equity Fundraising and Investment

1 April 2010
Fundraising for emerging markets-dedicated private equity (EM PE) funds slowed in 2009, but investment activity was comparatively strong. Emerging markets captured 9% of global private equity fundraising and 26% of… Read More

EMPEA Insight: MENA (March 2010)

1 March 2010
Private equity activity in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region slowed in 2009. Funds dedicated to MENA raised a total of US$1.1 billion in 2009, from a record… Read More